Company Profile

Headquartered in Mountain View, California, Thrust IV has been widely acclaimed for its careful concern and exceptional creativity in its residential communities and commercial projects. Thrust IV has built and managed apartments, single family homes, town homes and retail centers from Seattle, Washington to Greenfield, California.

Thrust IV owns and manages the Atrium Business Center at 1975 El Camino Real West in Mountain View encompassing 65,000 square feet of prime office space surrounding a dramatic, central atrium. Providing quiet elegance and a professional atmosphere, The Atrium continues to attract the most discriminating of tenants.

Thrust IV owns and manages  an office building in Salinas - CreekBridge Office Center - containing 36,000 square feet. The complex is located along Constitution Boulevard between Independence and Bunker Hill.  This two-story building is clad in tile, plaster and copper overlooking the CreekBridge Village retail center..

The Village, within walking distance of most homes in the neighborhood and adjacent to the CreekBridge Office Center, is a beautiful mixed-use retail shopping center near the new Twin Creeks Golf Course, just across Constitution Blvd.  Thrust IV's goal in building this retail center is to create a hometown atmosphere, making it feel like a small New England village.  Featuring narrow tree-canopied streets with extensive landscaping, CreekBridge Village has become a major focal point for the entire community.  Thrust IV also is leasing and managing the center.

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